Sunday, January 22, 2012

Blogging is for narcissists...

Okay, not really. I don't consider myself to be narcissistic, but it does irk me that our society seems to encourage people to share every minute detail of their lives with minute to minute status updates consisting of 140 characters or less.

While I do enjoy taking a few moments (or more, if I am stuck with a happily snoozing four-month-old boy on my lap) perusing Facebook to see what randoms from my past and present are up to, I do not need to know the precise location and activity of said randoms, and even less so to have this updated on a twice hourly basis.

When I first moved overseas 5 and a half years ago, I was encouraged to start a blog by my great-uncle (he is very technologically with-it, despite being both 90 years old and having a dial-up internet connection). I did, and felt a bit vain myself in doing so, as who would possibly want to know the ins and outs of my rather typical life (well, typical for someone who basically desires to live anywhere but their home country for various reasons we will get to at a later date). Back then, there were lots of blogs...but not near the huge quantity that exists today. Since there were (relatively) few blogs out there, I did get a fair amount of readers from far and wide who enjoyed peeking into the life of a single girl in her early thirties living life in the great metropolitan city of Berlin.

I do not expect the same response with this blog. Things have changed since those times - both with the pervasiveness of blogging, tweeting, facebooking, and general oversharing of one's life, and with my own life as well. A single girl I have not been in five years, now married with two children. I also no longer enjoy the amazing city that is Berlin as my home...I do live in what many would consider another exciting European hotspot - Barcleona. However, like many married ladies with kids, I do not live exactly in this cultural mecca per se...but in a small town (okay, technically a suburb if you want to put that label on it) just a 20-minute tram ride away. Though I rarely venture in for myself alone (at this point in life, I am rarely alone). I do manage to get within the city limits just barely each week...for my daughter's speech therapy appointment. Qué exciting.

I am also no longer in my early now on the other side of 35, each birthday pushing me closer to 40. My life no longer entails much variety, similar to most mothers of children under 5. Even though I have left my lifelong home of Indiana to live abroad, I imagine my life is not so much different than those Hoosier Mamas living in my home state. I go to the pediatrician, to the grocery store, to the park, and to the aforementioned Speech Therapist. I pick up my daughter each day at preschool, and hear from the teacher about how she refused to eat lunch again (though they serve rather odd food at her school, and I can hardly blame her for not eating chickpeas and spinach - she is only three after all!). Of course, most of this is done in a foreign language, which does add a bit of spice to my life. Especially when I am not functioning on all cylinders due to lack of sleep and general loopiness.

I like my life, don't get me wrong. There are things that could be better...I wish that I had more close friends here, but that takes time. My real goal with this blog is not necessarily to share my life with the masses, but to give myself an outlet with which to chronicle my ups and downs, ins and outs, and forwards and backwards of everyday...and to see how the 'blogosphere' (I really dislike that word, by the way) has changed since my first foray back in the day.

Plus, writing every day keeps my mama-addled mind agile and gives me a chance to think with grown-up words for a bit.

Now, if I can just keep my son sleeping for a spell longer, I might also get in a shower and a tooth brushing...

Happy trails, Campions!


  1. I just discovered your blog. I enjoy your stories and look forward to hearing more about your life. I just moved to Connecticut from Seattle, which seemed like a HUGE move. I can't imagine moving all the way to Barcelona. Good luck!

  2. Hey, thanks! I was very into blogging a few years ago, but just picked it back up again. It's nice to know someone is peeking in on it! I hope you enjoy Seattle, I've heard it is a lovely city.

  3. Okay, obviously the lack of sleep is causing my reading comprehension to suffer. I hope you enjoy Connecticut, especially if you get to live in a town like Stars Hollow!
