Thursday, February 9, 2012


That is what a pacifier is called here.  Monkey calls her 'Pa' for some unknown reason.  She is now three and a half (almost) and we have yet to get rid of it.  Why so reluctant? is the only way we can get her to stay in her bed.

We know that Pa's days are numbered, but when the number will finally be up...well, not so sure about that.  What if she doesn't stay in bed?  What if it takes hours and hours to get her to finally pass out?

We get little enough sleep as it is...

A friend told us that we should cut the ends off of her pacifiers and she won't like them any more.  I think that is the method we're going to try.  Monkey isn't quite at the reasoning stage, and I'm afraid that the binky fairy wouldn't make much of an impression.

We plan to try next week, when my husband has a week off from school.  That way we can sleep in shifts.

That is if I don't cave...which is a very likely possibility if sleep makes a more compelling case.  Braces will  probably be cheaper in 10 years, right?


  1. I relate to the night time battle. My son was a poor sleeper for the first year of his life. I finally learned (the hard way) that you do what you can to get your kids to sleep, whether that means a pacifier or cuddling. I've also heard that cutting the end of the pacifier can help. Good luck!

  2. Am very interested to see if it works! Ryu still has one at 2.5 years and I want to lose it. Please let us know how you get on. I guess at 3.5 years then ditching the dummy (what its called in NZ) just has to happen. I hope it doesn't mean a week of no sleep but its good you're doing it when your hub is away from work. Fingers crossed you don't have to sleep in shifts and that before long normal sleepiness prevail. Good luck xxx

  3. We're starting tomorrow night. She has an evaluation on Monday morning to assess her developmental delay stuff, and we need to make sure she has a good night's rest. After that, game on!
