Thursday, February 7, 2013

Sleepy and sleepless in Barcelona

My children do not seem to like sleeping, alone or otherwise.  Last night, Mati refused to pass out until almost 11:30pm, at which time her younger brother decided it would be the ideal time to wake up and have his own party until almost 3am.  So he got treated to a midnight-ish showing of Baby Einstein and I tried to catch a few winks while trying to prevent him from whacking the computer with his face as he tried to get as close as humanly possible for the ultimate Baby Einstein viewing experience.

Yet, we managed to wake up nice and early at 6:30am to get ready for school and put in the second to last day of work before February Ski Week.  Today was face painting day at Keane's preschool, which actually meant that you had to send your child to school with something painted on their face.  Keane was not having his face painted this morning, no matter how much I tried to distract him with toy trucks and gummi bears...all I managed to get were a couple of wonky colored lines on one cheek before throwing in the towel.  However, when I arrived in the afternoon to pick him up, he was sporting quite the curly face paint mustachio.  He looked like a carnie from the 1920s.

How is it that I can't manage to get three stripes on his face, while his preschool teacher can paint a symmetrical 'stache with 12 other rugrats terrorizing the immediate area?  I think she must have done it while he was asleep. 

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