Saturday, April 14, 2012

Back to work...

So, after hemming and hawing for a year or so, I'm definitely going back to work full time next year as a classroom teacher.  I was desperately holding out for a part-time position, or even a move to ELL or Reading Support teacher (as not having a classroom offers more flexibility, even if it is full time), but the director said both options were not going to happen, and that he really hoped I'd consider coming back to grade 2.  So...I am.  I like teaching classroom, and enjoy the special bond that a teacher creates with their group of kids...but it was a real struggle last year with Mati getting sick fairly often, and fitting in the many doctor's appointments that she has.  Add in my pregnancy appointments (here we are on the Catalan health care program, and you really don't get much of a say with your appointment times!), and I was constantly rearranging my schedule so the specialists would be teaching my classes while I or Matilda was off having medical fun times.

The thing I am very excited about is my teaching partner!  She seems like a good fit, and moved down from grade 3 to grade 2 last year.  She is really into collaborating, which is great for the kids and also great for cutting down the work load.  I had a fantastic partnership in Bonn with another mother who knew the value of getting in and getting it done, as well as a couple of amazing collaborators I was partnered with in Chicago (you know who you are, ladies!).  My most recent year of teaching was not filled with much collaboration, as that was not the style of my teammates, and I often found myself quite isolated and a bit lonely in my classroom with my 16 students.  Next year should prove to be much different, as we have already started talking about writing a year long curriculum plan, and trying to be on the same page as much as possible.  Happy times are ahead.

Now, just have to go to the public daycare next door, and hope for the best with the lottery.  That way the little man will be well taken care of while his mama, papa, and sister are all at school together.  But the first step is the open house ('open doors' it is called here) next week.  Here's hoping my Catalan is up to snuff, and there are plenty of spots available!


  1. I hope you get a place at hoikuen. I had a hard time finding places here in Tokyo but luckily after three years both kids are happy and at the same hoikuen.

    Nice to know you'll be working with someone who likes to get the job done. One of the reasons I love my job so much is because of my colleague who is on the same wavelength regarding curriculum development and classroom management. We are always on the same page and it keeps the students on their toes as they know we both have the same expectations.

    Enjoy the wedding. Shame the perfect dress has gone awol. I'm sure you'll look great in whatever you choose to wear.

    1. Well, we get extra points at the hoikuen (guarderia in Spain) because Matilda has a condition, and this gives us a bit more preference. Of course, I'd rather she not have the condition and have 2 measly points like the rest of the town residents, but take what you can get, I guess!

      I will be so much happier working with my new teaching partner for just the reasons you described. Last year, neither of my grade level partners had the same philosophy as I do, nor did they want to do any work together, so there was a complete isolation on my part, which was a bit lonely, to be honest.

      Looking forward to the wedding. Not so much to the 10.5 hour flight plus 3.5 hour flight to get there... xo

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