Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Raining and Pouring

Not literally.  Here in Barcelona, the weather is still just as lovely as can be.  I am speaking of the figurative raining and pouring, as in we are still at the hospital, the fever is still coming and going for the most part, though I am hoping it has finally gone for good.

Mati has some infection markers in her blood, however, so they are keeping her another night.  And I have just gotten a call as I sit here watching her sleep that my little Keane has a fever at his preschool and must be picked up.  Thank goodness for grandparents.  I've done my best the past couple of days to try to stay on top of things with work and a sick kid, but my husband and I are quickly reaching our stress limits.  I've gone into work both days this week, taught the classes I needed to teach, and headed to the hospital during my prep times with minimal coverage from substitutes.  I think that this is more than most would do...

Add to all of this that my class of second graders seem to be experiencing some sort of epidemic.  I had 12 students today out of 22, and two went home sick during the day.  Good lord.

I need this adorable Hazmat suit.  And a spa vacation to the Bahamas for a week.

And a nap.

Monday, January 28, 2013

So six months later...

What happened?  I went back to work.  Not to whinge or anything, but having two kids under the age of five (one of whom has some special needs, and the other of whom is just plain needy) and working full-time is basically kicking my ass.

But, I do need to make time to do things I like to do, and today I felt like doing this so, hooray!...a new post just shy of six months after the last time I posted.

Perhaps it is because I am stuck at the children's hospital here in Barcelona, because my beautiful Mati has gotten herself some sort of unidentified bug that has given her a raging fever and three fits in less than 24 hours, which warranted a trip to the ER.

The fever started on Friday night, and progressed as it usually does, rising and falling, getting higher with each rise until at around 4am Sunday morning, while her papa slept with her at my insistence (always deadly afraid that she'll seize in the night and we won't hear her over the video monitor) the first fit hit. Keane and I slept through it, but were awakened after it was over.  Kudos to hubby, as it sucks to sit through a fit on your own...it can be the longest 60 seconds of your life, waiting for it to stop.  The fever went down with some ibuprofen and some wet towels, and the day passed pretty well, fever rising and falling until another fit hit in the late afternoon, followed by another an hour later, accompanied by a fever of 39.5 C (about 103.5 F) that did not want to hit the road, despite our best efforts with ibuprofen, paracetamol, and the aforementioned towels.  So I packed Papa and Mati off to the ER, as I always feel more secure when she's there surrounded by calm and collected medical professionals, and large oxygen tanks.  If you've ever spent time in a children's ER, it is an unpleasant experience, and I understand why hubby did not want to go, while I had to stay home with the little guy...however, my decision was validated when the docs decided to keep her for the night, and now for another night as well.

Happily, we are in an isolation room, which means no sharing the telly, and I have taken most of the day off of work, so I can spend it with my little girl.  She's still feverish, glazy eyes and random babblings punctuated by requests for water.  Also, not so intersted in making sure her glasses are on straight, as you can see.  Quite happy now though, as she has Peppa Pig playing on the iPad and is holding a host of her favorite toys from home, and is resting comfortably on her Yo Gabba Gabba! pillowcase emblazoned with her name, a thoughtful birthday gift from my two little sisters.

And I am sitting on the couch in a rather beat-up gap camisole with my nursing bra peeking out, as the thermostat is not adjustable and the Barcelona sun is beating through the window.

The view is amazing though...sucks to be in a hospital, but made marginally better by the view of the Mediterranean and the city scape out the window...