Saturday, February 2, 2013

Home again...

So after three days and nights in the children's hospital, and continuous ups and downs with the fever, the doctors finally gave in and prescribed an antibiotic.  Poof! 24 hours later the fever went bye-bye.  I know that antibiotics need to be given sparingly, and that the development of some super-resistant mutant virus looms just outside the doorway, but virus or bacterial infection, the antibiotic always makes the fever go away for Mati, so for her health and our sanity, bring on the antibiotic, I say.

The little guy fought off his bug in a couple of days and has now returned to his somewhat clingy and mama-centric self versus a constant need to be attached to my hip/neck/chesty area.  My second grade class also endured the epidemic, and during the week I seriously debated hanging a quarantine sign on the room...despite watching videos on the proper method of handwashing, coughing methods to minimize germ dispersation, and keeping most work solo versus group, the highest attendance for the week was 16 out of 22, and even then, one of the girls went home with fever by the end of the day.  Most kids were out for a minimum of four days, so here's hoping that attendance is better next week...since so many were out, we got a bit behind on what we are supposed to be mastering, so they'll will be working at doublespeed next week so that we can get that double-digit addition hammered out before the February break.

I myself have a cold and am trying to minimize my own germ impact in the house, which is difficult with two ragamuffins using me as a climbing apparatus for the better part of the day.  Plus, the littler one has become fascinated with wiping his boogers on my shirt, while the bigger one has decided to employ the bizarre and gross habit of rubbing her runny nose on the carpet when I can't get to her in time with the kleenex.  Ew.  Where did she learn that method???

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