Saturday, February 11, 2012

Naps interrupted.

When Monkey was a baby, she rested in a peaceful household where I carefully tiptoed around, taking care not to disturb her as I went about my daily chores.  Our Mr. Bean does not have that luxury, as he has to share space with the aforementioned Monkey who seems to reserve her noisiest play for when he is finally snoozing on his own.  

Once I have gingerly placed him aside (he's been an in-the-arms addict since birth, and is never happier than when being held), Monkey can be counted on to shout 'Mail!' or 'Wow!' or issue some sort of complaint or grumble at top volume.  I get why she says 'Wow!' often, as she is quite self-congratulatory when tower building or figurine arranging.  The 'Mail!' exclamation I believe comes from 'Blue's Clues,' though she seems to just randomly shout it out during the day.  I suppose this is one of the reasons we go to speech therapy each week.

It is not only Mr. Bean's naps she has a habit of interrupting, however.  It seems each afternoon, once she is happily passed out in her bed, and I've managed to scarf away a bowl of soup and an Activia and am just about to snuggle in with Mr. Bean for a 15-minute power nap, I hear a rustling in her room.  Dread fills my soul as I peer at the video monitor, repeating 'Lay back down, come on, lay back down, please, go back to sleep.'  Typically my mutterings are to no avail, as she invariably tumbles out of her bed, bangs open her door and stumbles into my bedroom.

Waking up Mr. Bean in the process, of course.  

I always tell myself that I need to get to the power nap more quickly, and not push it to the back of what is typically her 90-minute nap period.  But I always find something to distract me and keep me from my napping goal.  So I guess I can't really blame her for my lack of daily naptime.

Shortening her little brother's snoozefests however...we really need to work on more quiet play and less random exclamations.  Sleep deprivation is not pretty on a 5-month old.

Or me either, for that matter...yesterday, I was walking around with a black marker in my back pocket.  I had been searching for said black marker for 10 minutes around the house while my tutoring students watched with amusement. 

Should really make sure to fit in that nap on tutoring days.  

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