Tuesday, February 28, 2012


My little guy turns six months next week.  I remember when Monkey Lou turned six months. and I was so anxious to start her on rice cereal.  This time around, I am a bit sad to get him going on solids because it marks the point at which he is no longer solely dependent on me for his nourishment.  I'll still keep nursing him for several months yet, but he is slowly but surely, growing up.

So, just a few short days and my Mr. Bean will join the ranks of veggie lovers everywhere.  I bought a boatload of pureed baby veggies at a grocery store across the border in France.  They oddly don't sell strained veggies here in Barcelona - most mothers either cook their veggies and puree them with a wand blender, or they have a BabyCook machine.  I got my BabyCook for a Christmas present this year, and I have to say, it is a nifty little invention.  Steams and purees in one go, but a bit of a pain to clean.  I've already put it to use quite a bit, since Monkey Lou refuses veggies unless they are pureed into absolute velvet and even then it is a bit of a chore.  The only way to get her to eat broccoli is to hide it in a breakfast bread (as in substituting the pureed pumpkin in the recipe with pureed broccoli).  It tastes a bit like a falafel.

Even though I have my fancy baby food machine, I like the little glass baby jars for storing things, and honestly, convenience.  Once I run out of Mr. Bean's fancy French baby food (not fancy, actually, just Nestle brand) he'll be getting his veg from the BabyCook as well.  I've got about a month's supply though, so he'll be ready for a wee bit of texture by then.

Before you know it, he'll have moved past strained carrots to Cheerios, hot dog bits to animal crackers, then on to french fries and pizza.  I suppose he'll come full circle again and be back to strained carrots in about 80 years, but that point really is a long way off.  Though I have a feeling that way time is passing lately, that the days of french fries and pizza will be here in a blink of an eye.

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